Our Vision
God has been faithful to raise up and add to Bible Time Ministries people who are specialists in their area of ministry. It has become clear that God wants Bible Time Ministries to build people, not buildings. God has anointed these people to proclaim His Word and Power throughout all the world. The vision includes people from all walks of life and from areas all over the world.
We are dedicated to raising up ministers of the Gospel, not erecting buildings.
In these end times there is an urgency for men and women of God to take their place in the Body of Christ as ministers spreading the Good News, teaching and edifying the people, and BTMI's vision is to answer that urgent plea of Heaven to equip the Saints of God. Our staff and state representatives are dedicated to helping each person discover their unique potential – spirit, soul, and body.

In Loving Memory, Rev. Roy B. Parker was one of the founders of Bible Time Ministries in 1978. Roy and his lovely wife, Donna, graduated in 1979 from Rhema Bible Training Center, Tulsa, OK under the leadership of Reverend Kenneth E Hagin. Throughout Roy’s ministry, he was a walking example of the power of God’s love. Years of preparation, study and practical experience operated in Roy’s life of faith. He led people into a power-packed walk with God that emphasized victory through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Roy lived what he believed and he loved helping others in their walk with Christ. He operated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and was a much sought after speaker among ministries throughout America.
(Rev) Donna Parker continues with her husband's vision and is active in the ministry reaching out to all those seeking to walk in the anointing of Christ as Bible Time Ministries continues to teach, train, and empower ministers throughout the nations.
Rev. Roy B. Parker
Donna Parker
Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of Jesus, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles and healing, and in our redemption through His shed blood.
We believe in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His imminent, personal return in power and glory.
We believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for the salvation of lost and sinful men.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
We believe in the fivefold ministry (Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4)
We believe in the resurrection of both, the saved and the lost; the saved unto the resurrection of life, and the lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Donna serves as President since the homegoing of her husband, Roy, in 1994. Roy’s heart was to instruct others in their walk with Christ through faith as he operated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Donna’s heart aliened with his continues to embrace the mantle passed on to her. She is an encourager and exhorter to each minister in Bible Time Ministries.

Vice President
Sandra Moses is an evangelist to the evangelized, teaching with demonstration to believers who they are in Christ, the beloved of God and His dwelling place through the Spirit. Sandra has a Doctorate of Biblical Studies. Sandra’s message to experience intimacy with the Lord and tapping into the life of Christ within by the revelation that the heart of the gospel was found in the unconditional love of God, expressed to mankind through Jesus Christ in the covenant. Her ministry is teaching with an emphasis on The Blood Covenant to see His Faithfulness to you personally and to discover intimacy with your God; that the body of Christ would know and appropriate the finished work of Christ.

As Secretary/Treasurer, Robert and Joan Bower, serve with integrity and excellence. They have been members since 1986. When Robert retired from the United States Coast Guard in 1989, he and Joan took up residence in Olympia, Washington and serve as our Washington State Representives.

Board Members
Jim + Kealei Castle are pastors of Hearts On Fire Church, Powder Springs, GA. They are fulfilling God’s call to teach Faith, Love, and Being Led by the Holy Spirit wherever the Lord leads them to share the gospel.